可能错过的成就 / Missable Achievement
In Tree Top I Area, you will meet a Frenzy Rhinoceros Beetle, just jump on he

Do I Look Like a Ball to You"1" alt="" src="https://img.jiaochengzhijia.com/uploadfile/2021/0825/20210825112459861.jpg" width="256" height="256" /> Got Kicked 10 Times by the Robots, easy one. Puppet Master 操作机器人手臂机关10次(工厂区),很容易错过! Changed the Positions of Robot's Chains 10 Times, missable! 剧情流程成就 / Play through Achievement 以下15项是流程必得的成就: All the 15 achievement you will get them when you finish game: The Journey Starts 开场获得 Trampoline Aficionado 利用毛虫弹跳 The Socializer 与生物对谈 Up the Branches 发现树顶区 -1 Into the Forest 发现森林区 Underground Explorer 发现地抵世界 Maze Runner 完成蜘蛛网解谜 Night Traveler 发现树顶区 - 2 Air Dancer 经过会轮流栖息的瓢虫(跳跃解谜) Marine Expert 发现水下世界 Metal Everywhere! 发现金属工厂 Night Vision 通过水下世界全黑区域 Spirit Walker 发现最后一个区域 Master of the Mind 完成最后一个区域 Home 完成游戏