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2021-02-02 10:48  教程之家  侠名  



一共有12种技能分支,使用对应技能分支的能力可以获得相应熟练度经验,以提升技能等级。到达相应技能等级会解锁相关技能成长奖励,技能等级上限将为目前的对应主属性值。 例如,反应为10点时,不断使用步枪可提升步枪技能等级,每级将会解锁技能成长奖励,上限为10级。




名称 专长效果 解锁需求技能分支等级 可升等级 类型 主宰



Increases Armor by 15% while blocking with a Blunt Weapon

1 2 被动 籍机攻击

Opportune Strike


Increases Crit Damafe by 60% for 10sec, after entering combat

1 1 被动 粉碎攻击 Crushing Blows 钝器重击伤害提升30%

Increases damage from Strong Attacks with Blunt Weapons by 30%

1 3 被动 人肉堡垒Human Fortress 用钝器格挡时减少50%体力消耗

Reduces the Stamina cost of blocking attacks by 50% while using a Blunt Weapon

8 3 被动 鞭打Thrash 钝器重攻击将降低目标护甲30%,持续10秒

Strong Attacks with Blunt Weapons reduce the target's Armor by 30% for 10 sec

15 1 被动 狂暴Frenzy 击败一名敌人后提升100%钝器伤害10秒

Defeating an enemy increases damage with Blunt Weapons by 100% for 10 sec

15 1 被动 忍耐之时Biding Time 以钝器格挡时回复5%生命值

Blocking attacks with a Blunt Weapon restores 5% Health

18 2 触发 游击队



Increases Crit Damafe by 60% for 10sec, after entering combat

20 1 被动



名称 专长效果 解锁需求技能分支等级 可升等级 类型 咫尺之距

In your face


Reduces reload time of shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 20%

1 2 被动 枪林弹雨

Hail of bullets


Increases Crit Damafe by 60% for 10sec, after entering combat

1 3 被动 打起精神!Pump it, louder 降低10%霰弹枪和轻机枪后坐力

Reduces recoil of shotguns and light machine guns by 10%

1 2 被动 中心开花Dead Cnter 对躯干伤害提升10%

Increases damage to torsos by 10%

7 2 被动 嗜血狂奔Bloodrush 当携带霰弹枪和轻机枪时,提升5%战斗中移动速度

Increases movement speed in combat by 5% while carrying a shotgun or light machine gun

7 2 被动 推土机Bulldozer 提升10%霰弹枪和轻机枪的暴击率

Increases movement speed in combat by 5% while carrying a shotgun or light machine gun

9 1 被动 屠杀Massacre 增加15%霰弹枪和轻机枪暴击伤害

Increases Crit Damage with Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 15%

11 3 被动 重铅Heavy lead 霰弹枪和轻机枪可以更强力的反击

Shotguns and light machine guns knock back enemies with more force

12 1 被动 飞碟打靶Skeet Shooter 对移动中的敌人造成15%额外伤害

Deal 15% more damage to moving targets

12 1 被动 焚烧殆尽Burn Baby Burn 燃烧的持续时间翻倍

Doubles the duration of Burn

16 1 被动 痛击要害 Hit the Deck 对退缩和倒地的敌人提升10%伤害

Increases damages to a staggered and knocked-down enemies by 10%

18 1 被动



名称 专长效果 解锁需求技能分支等级 可升等级 类型 防爆盾Blast Shielding 受到的爆炸伤害减少10%

Reduced damage from explosions by 10%

1 3 被动 零件搜刮者Mech Looter 搜刮机器人、无人机、机甲类敌人时有25%的几率爆出武器模块或部件

When looting robots, drones and mechs, there is a 25% chance of looting a weapon mod or attachment

1 3 被动 掷弹手 Grenadier 可以看到手雷的爆炸范围(※大概是扔出前)

The explosion radius of grenades is visible

5 1 被动 片叶不沾身 Can't Touch This 不会被自己的手雷炸伤

Grants immunity to your own grenades

5 1 被动 榴霰弹 Shrapnel 所有类型的手雷效果增加20点伤害

All grenade types deal 20 damage in addition to their normal effects

7 1 被动 银翼杀手Bladerunner 对机械敌人额外造成20%伤害

Increases damage to mechanical enemies by 20%

9 2 被动 数到11 Up to 11 技术武器可以充能到75%了(※不确定)

Allows you to charge tech weapons up to 75% capacity

9 2 被动 锁定! 装填! Lock and Load 智能武器装弹速度提升5%

Increases Smart Weapon reload speed by 5%

9 2 被动 艺术就是爆炸 Bigger Booms 手雷伤害提升5%

Grenades deal 5% more damage

11 5 被动 十万伏特 Lightning Bolt 技术武器暴击几率提升3%

Increases crit chance with tech weapons by 3%

12 3 被动 特斯拉再世 Tesla 增加技术武器的charge modifier 25%

Increase the charge modifier for tech weapons by 25%

12 3 被动 枪械之友 Gun Whisperer 技术武器充能满时不会自动射击了

Fully-charged tech weapons do not shoot automatically

14 1 被动 绝缘 Insulation 免疫震荡效果

Grants immunity to shock

14 1 被动 过载充能 Ubercharge 充能满的技术武器额外造成50%伤害

Fully charged tech weapons deal 50% more damage

14 1 被动 墙壁粉碎者 Fuck All Walls 技术武器的射速提升50%

Tech Weapons discharge 50% faster

16 1 被动 简单的几何学 Play the Angles 跳弹伤害提升50%(※溅射?)

Richochets deal and additional 50% damage

16 1 被动 极速装填 Lickety Split 技术武器装填时间减少15%

Tech weapon reload time is reduced by 15%

18 2 被动 超导体 Superconductor 技术武器可以无视敌人的护甲

Tech weapons ignore armor

20 1 被动 头等奖! Jackpot 手雷会随机出现暴击效果

Grenades can now randomly deal critical hits

20 1 被动 技术专精 perk 技术武器伤害提升25%,充能伤害提升10%

Increases damage from tech weapons by 25%. Charge damage is increased by 10%.

20 2 被动



名称 专长效果 解锁需求技能分支等级 可升等级 类型 卧虎 Crouching Tiger 潜行时增加20%移动速度

Increases movement speed while sneaking by 20%

1 1 被动 致命无声 Silent and Deadly 潜行时无声武器的伤害增加25%

Increase all damage by silent weapons 25% while sneaking

1 1 被动 飞刀杂耍者 Dagger Dealer 可以扔飞刀

Allows you to throw knives

5 1 被动 藏龙 Hidden Dragon 可以对一个未警觉的目标作出致命或非致命击倒动作

Allows you to do a lethal or nonlethal aerial takedown on unaware targets

5 1 被动 刺客 Assassin 对人类敌人提高15伤害

%Deal 15% more damage to human enemies

7 1 被动 抬腿 Leg Up 击倒目标10秒内移动速度增加30%

Movement speed after a takedown is increased by 30% for 10 seconds

7 1 被动 暗影突袭 Strike from the Shadows 潜行时增加15%暴击几率

Increases your crit chance by 15% while sneaking

7 1 被动 狙击手 Sniper 未进入战斗时的爆头增加30%伤害

Increases damage from headshots fired from outside combat by 30%

9 2 被动 割喉者 Cutthroat 飞刀增加30%伤害

Throwing knives deal 30% more damage

9 2 被动 干净利落 Clean Work 击倒目标后可以立即抬起目标

You can pick up an enemy's body immediately after a takedown

11 1 被动 目盲狂怒 Blind Fury 你将不会被致盲

You cannot be blinded

11 1 被动 眩晕攻击 Stunning Blows 近战攻击时,有机会抓住使用远程武器的趔趄敌人(※不确定)

Quick melee attacks with ranged weapons stagger enemies, giving you an opportunity to grapple them

11 1 被动 幽灵 Ghost 侦测时间增加20%

Detection time is increased by 20%

12 2 被动 来自暗影 From the shadows 刚进入战斗7秒内,暴击几率增加25%

Upon entering combat, crit chance increases by 25% for 7 seconds

12 2 被动 毒牙 Venemous Fangs 所有的飞刀带有毒属性

All knives apply poison

14 1 被动 响尾蛇 Rattlesnake 中毒的敌人会被减速

Enemies affected by poison are slowed

14 1 被动 突击队 Commando 在水下时你不会被侦测到

You cannot be detected underwater

14 1 被动 沉默的收割者 Silent Finisher 当敌人生命少于25%时,飞刀可以立即解决他们,但是对致命等级的敌人无效

Enemies with less than 25% health are defeated instantly by thrown knives.Does not work on enemies with a Lethal threat level

16 1 被动 致命无声 Silent and Deadly 潜行时无声武器的伤害增加25%

Increases damage dealt by silent weapons by 25% while sneaking

16 1 被动 迅速撤离 Hasty Retreat 被敌人发现时,5秒内临时增加50%移动速度

Temporarily boost movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds when detected by an enemy

16 1 被动 神经毒素 Neurotoxin 双倍毒伤

Poison damage is doubled

18 1 被动 唯快不破 Hasten the Inevitable 对中毒的敌人多造成20%的伤害

Deal 20% more damage to enemies affected by poison

18 1 被动 假死 Cheat Death 当生命下降到50%时,10秒内减少50%伤害,每分钟最多触发1次

When your health drops below 50%, reduce all incoming damage by 50% for 10 seconds.Cannot occur more than once per minute

18 1 被动 忍术 Ninjutsu 潜行时使用近战武器必定暴击且额外造成100%的伤害

Sneak attacks with melee weapons deal 100% more damage and guarantee a crit hit

20 1 被动 毒药学 Toxicology 敌人中毒时间延长5秒

Increases the duration of poison applied to enemies by 5 seconds

20 2 被动



名称 专长效果 解锁需求技能分支等级 可升等级 类型 技师 Mechanic 分解时获得更多零件

Gain more components when disassembling

1 1 被动 废旧回收商 Scrapper 自动分解垃圾物品

Junk items automatically disassembled

5 1 被动 真正的匠人 True Craftsman 可以制造稀有级别的物品

Allows you to craft Rare items

5 1 被动 工坊 Workshop 分解时有5%的几率获得1个同分解物品等级的零件(※不确定是否是额外获得的)

Disassembling items grants a 5% chance to gain a free component ofthe same quality as the disassembled item

7 3 被动 工兵 Sapper 制作的手雷增加10%伤害

Crafted grenades deal 10% more damage

9 2 被动 创新 Innovation 制作的消耗品效果持续时间延长25%

Effects from crafted consumables last 25% longer

9 2 被动 战地工程师 Field Technician 制作的武器增加2.5%伤害

Crafted Weapons deal 2.5% more damage

11 2 被动 事半功倍 200% Efficiency 制作的服装增加2.5%护甲

Crafted clothes gain 2.5 percent more armor

11 2 被动 无中生有 Ex Nihilo 20%的几率免费制作1个物品

Grants 20% chance to craft an item for free

12 1 被动 机械修理工 Grease Monkey 可以制作史诗级别的物品

Allows you to craft Epic items

12 1 被动 高效提升 Efficient Upgrades 10%的几率免费升级物品

Grants 10% chance to upgrade items for free

12 1 被动 成本最优化 Cost Optimization 制作物品时零件需求量减少15%

Reduces component cost of crafting items by 15%

14 2 被动 此处有光 Let There Be Light 升级物品时零件需求量减少10%

Reduces the component cost of upgrading by 10%

14 2 被动 调整 Tune Up 升级物品时零件需求量减少10%

Reduces the component cost of upgrading by 10%

16 1 被动 俭以防匮 Waste Not Want Not 分解物品时,可以把物品上安装的模块回收

When disassembling an item, you get attached mods back

16 1 被动 传奇缔造者 Iconoclast 可以制作传说和Iconic级别的物品

Allows you to craft Legendary and Iconic items

18 1 被动 疯狂科学 Crazy Science 制作的物品卖出价格增加10%

Increases sale price of crafted items by 10%

20 2 被动 尖端技术 Cutting Edge 制作的传说级别物品属性提升5%

Crafted Legendary items get one stat improved by 5%

20 1 被动



名称 专长效果 解锁需求技能分支等级 可升等级 类型 冷血

Cold Blood


After defeating an enemy, gain Cold Blood for 10 seconds and increase movement by 2%. Stacks up to 1 times.

1 3 被动 求生意志

Will to Survive


Increases all resistances per stack of Cold Blood by 2.5%

5 2 被动 冰寒静脉 Icy Veins 每层冷血减少2.5%的武器后坐力

Reduces weapon recoil by 2.5% per stack of Cold Blood

5 2 被动 寒霜突触 Frosty Synapses 每层冷血减少3%的快速骇客冷却时间

Reduces quickhack cooldowns per stack of Cold Blood by 3%

7 2 被动 危笃状态 Critical Condition 增加5秒冷血持续时间

Increases duration of Cold Blood by 5 seconds

7 2 被动 血凝为甲 Defensive Clotting 每层冷血增加1%护甲

Increases armor by 1% per stack of Cold Blood

9 2 被动 极速血流 Rapid Bloodflow 每层冷血增加生命恢复速度?.5%(战斗中及战斗外)

Increase health regen inside and outside combat by?.5% per stack of Cold Blood ※(0.5%还是5%不确定)

9 2 被动 精准霜寒 Frozen Precision 增加50%的爆头伤害

Increases headshot damage by 50%

11 1 被动 最冷的血 Coldest Blood 增加1层最大冷血层数

Increases max stack amount for Cold Blood by 1

11 1 被动 冷血格斗 Blood Brawl 冷血激活时,近战武器伤害增加5%

When Cold Blood is active, increases damage with melee weapons by 5%

12 2 被动 猎食者 Predator 每层冷血增加1%攻速

Increases attack speed by 1% per stack of Cold Blood

12 2 被动 快速转移 Quick Transfer 每层冷血减少1%快速骇客上传时间

Reduces quickhack upload time by 1% per stack of Cold Blood

12 2 被动 寒冷与计算 Cold and Calculating 暴击时有25%的几率增加1层冷血

Landing a Crit Hit has a 25% chance of applying a stack of Cold Blood

14 1 被动 血胀 Bloodswell 生命降到45%时,自动激活最大层数的冷血

When health reaches 45%, a max stack of Cold Blood is automatically activated

14 1 被动 牢不可破 Unbreakable 增加1层最大冷血层数

Increases max stack of Cold Blood by 1

16 1 被动 凝血剂 Coolagulant 冷血层数减少时,改为逐级递减,而不再是一次清空

Stacks of Cold Blood are removed one by one, rather than all at once

16 1 被动 苦痛皆幻 Pain is an Illusion 冷血激活时,减伤5%

When Cold Blood is active, reduces damage taken by 5%

18 1 被动 免疫力 Immunity 冷血激活时,免疫流血、毒素、燃烧、震撼效果

When Cold Blood is active, you are immune to bleeding, poison, burn and shock

20 1 被动 心无慈悲者 Merciless 冷血激活时,增加10%暴击几率,增加25%暴击伤害

When Cold Blood is active, increase crit chance by 10% and crit damage by 25%

20 2 被动


名称 专长效果 解锁需投入点数 可升等级 类型 神枪手



Reduces reload time for pistols and revolvers by 10%

1 3 被动 午时已到

High Noon


Increases crit chance with pistols and revolvers by 4%

1 3 被动 赤胆屠龙

Rio Bravo


Increases headshot damage multiplier with pistols and revolvers by 10%

1 3 被动 亡命之徒



Increases damage with pistols and revolvers by 3%

1 3 被动 急速出枪

On the Fly


Reduces draw/holster time of pistols and revolvers by 25%

7 2 被动 远射得分

Long Shot Drop pop


Increases the damage with pistols and revolvers to enemies 5+ meters away by 15%

7 2 被动 稳定瞄准

Steady hand


Reduces Pistol and Revolver recoil by 30%

9 1 被动 赶尽杀绝

O.K. corral


Deal 50% more damage with pistols and revolvers to enemies whose health is below 25%

9 1 被动 灭点

Vanishing Point


Evasion increases by 25% for 6 sec. after performing a dodge with a pistol or revolver equipped

9 1 被动 荒野镖客

A Fistfull of Eurodollars


Increases crit damage with pistols and revolvers by 10%

11 2 被动 从头到脚

From head to toe


Increases damage to limbs with pistols and revolvers by 7%

11 2 被动 大结局

Grand Finale


The last round in a pistol or revolver clip deals double damage

12 1 被动 体操队员



You can now perform dodges while aiming with a pistol or revolver

12 1 被动 狂野西部

Wild West


Removes the damage penalty from pistols and revolvers when shooting from a distance

14 1 被动 消耗战

Attritional fire


Firing consecutivge shots with a pistol or revolver at the same target increases damage by 10%

14 1 被动 滚雪球

Snowball Effect


After defeating an enemy fire rate (cycle time) for handguns receives a 5% boost for 6 seconds.Stacks up 5 times

16 1 被动 西部世界



Increases Crit Chance by 10% for each mod installed on the handgun you’re using.

16 1 被动 铅弹海绵

Lead Sponge


Enables you to shoot with pistols and revovlers while dodging

18 1 被动 黄金三镖客

The good, the bad and the ugly


After a successful crit with a pistol or a revolver, damage and armor increase by 30% for 5 sec

20 1 被动 动动脑子



After a successful headshot with a pistol or revolver, Crit chances increases by 25% for 5 sec

20 1 被动




名称 专长效果 解锁需投入点数 可升等级 类型 鹰眼

Eagle Eye


Reduces the time to aim down sight with Rifles and SMG by 10%

1 3 被动 掩护射击

Covering Killshot


Increases crit chance with Rifles and SMG by 10% when firing from behind cover

5 2 被动 刽子手



Deal 25% more damage with Rifles and SMG to enemies whose health is above 50%

7 1 被动 速度猎手

Quick Hunter


Increases Rifle and SMG damage to moving enemies by 10%

9 2 被动 钢铁意志

Nerves of Steel


Increases headshot damage with sniper rifles and precision rifles by 20%

11 2 被动 如丝顺滑

Feel the Flow


Reduces reload time for Assault Rifles and SMG by 10%

11 2 被动 猎人之手

Hunter’s Hands


Reduces recoil with Rifles and SMG by 20% when firing from behind cover

12 2 被动 壕沟战

Trench Warfare


Increases Rifle and SMG damage by 5% when firing from behind cover

12 2 被动 枪出有名

Named Bullets


Increases crit damage with Rifles and SMG by 35%

14 1 被动 骷髅船长

Skull Skipper


Each headshot reduces recoil with Rifle and SMG by 5% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 5 times

14 1 被动 地堡



Increases armor and resistances by 15% when shooting with Rifle and SMG from behind cover

16 1 被动 反冲控制

Recoil Wrangler


Reduces recoil with Rifles and SMG by 10%

16 1 被动 远距射击

Long Shot


Rifle and SMG damage increases the farther you are located from enemies

18 1 被动 无所遁形

In Perspective


Bullets fired from Rifles and SMG ricochet an additional 2 time(s)

18 1 被动 坚忍野人

Savage Stoic


Increases damage with Rifles and SMG by 45% when standing still

20 1 被动 惩戒者



After defeating an enemy with a Rifle or SMG, weapon sway is nullified andweapon spread does not increases for 10 sec

20 1 被动




名称 专长效果 解锁需投入点数 可升等级 类型 咆哮之水

Roaring Waters


Strong attacks deal 30% more damage

1 3 被动 稳扎稳打

Slow and steady


Armor is increased by 50% while moving

1 2 被动 穷蛰猛刺

Sting like a bee


Increases attack speed by 10%

1 3 被动 猩红之舞

Crimson Dance


Combo attacks have a 10% chance to apply bleeding

1 2 被动 动如飞燕

Flight of the sparrow


Reduces the stamina cost of all attacks by 30%

6 2 被动 无人之境

Unstoppable slash


Increasess damage delivered while blocking by 200%

6 2 被动 流沙

Shifting sands


Dodging recovers 15% stamina

8 3 被动 待宰羔羊

Stuck pig


Increases bleeding duration by 1%

8 3 被动 不灭意志

Unbroken spirit


A successful deflect recovers 25% health and stamina

10 1 被动 祝福之刃

Blessed blade


Increases crit chance by 20%

10 1 被动 嗜血



Recover 7% health when applying bleed to an enemy or hitting an enemy with bleeding

12 2 被动 蝴蝶振翅

Float like a butterfly


Dodging increases damage dealt by 50% for 10 secs

12 2 被动 死亡宣判

Judge Jury and executioner


Damage is increassed by 50% against targets at max health

15 3 被动 狂怒爆裂

Fiery blast


Increases damage against a target by 1% for every 1% of health that they are missing

15 3 被动 致命闪电



Defeating an enemy recovers 40% health and increases movement speed by 30% for 5 sec

18 1 被动 猩红之潮

Crimson tide


Bleeding applied by blades deal 300% more damage

18 1 被动 龙之一闪

Dragon Strike


Increases crit damage with a katana by 25%

20 1 被动


名称 专长效果 解锁需投入点数 可升等级 类型



Quickhacks deal 10% more damage

1 3 被动

生物合成 Biosynergy


Allow RAM to recover during combat. Recover 1 RAM unit(s) every 10 seconds

1 3 被动

黑客手册Hacker’s Manual


Unlock diagrams for crafting uncommon hacks

5 1 被动

我,间谍I Spy


Reveal an enemy netrunner when they attempt to hack you

5 1 被动



Eliminating a target affected by a quickhack instantly recovers 1 RAM unit(s)

5 1 被动

薄弱环节Weak link


Reduces the required cyberware ram for quickhacks used on devices by 1 unit(s)

7 3 被动

雏菊花环Daisy chain


Eliminating a target that wass quickhacked instantly reduces the cooldownfor other active quickhacks by 10%

7 3 被动

信号支持Signal support


Increasess quickhack duration by 30%

9 2 被动

潜意识信息Subliminal message


Quickhacks do 50% more damage to unaware target

11 2 被动



Quickhack spread distance is increased by 2 times

12 1 被动



Reduces the cost of quickhacks against an enemy already affectedby quickhacks by 1 RAM units

12 1 被动

School of hard hacks


Unlock diagrams for crafting advanced hacks

12 1 被动



Quickhacks that spread can jump to 1 additional target

14 1 被动

临界误差Critical error


Quickhacks can now deal crit damage based on your crit chance and crit damage stats

16 1 被动

黑客之王Hacker overlord


Unlock diagrams for crafting specialized quickhacks

16 1 被动



Available cyberware RAM cannot drop below 1 unit

18 1 被动



Reduces the cost of quickhacks by 1 RAM unit(s)

20 3 被动

巴特莫斯的遗产Bartmoss’ legacy


Unlock diagrams for crafting superior quickhacks

20 1 被动

内存解放大师Master Ram Liberator


Increases RAM recovery rate by 50% . +1% per perk point.

20 1 被动

硬核混蛋Hard Motherfucker


When entering combat, armor and resistance increase by 10% for 10 sec

20 1 被动



名称 专长效果 解锁需投入点数 可升等级 类型 再生



Health slowly regenerates during combat

1 1 被动 驮马

Pack Mule


Increase carry capacity by 60

1 1 被动 不屈不挠



Increase max health by 10%

1 3 被动 冠军之勇

True Grit


Increases max Stamina by 10%

1 3 被动 身轻如燕

Soft on your feet


Reduces fall damage by 5%

7 3 被动 机体重生



Health regenerates up to 70% of max health outside combat

7 3 被动 钢铁之躯

Steel and Chrome


Increases Melee damage by 10%

9 2 被动 角斗士



Reduces the amount of stamina consumed when blocking melee attacks by 20%

9 2 被动 分心二用

Divided Attention


Allows you to reload weaponss while sprinting, sliding and vaulting

11 1 被动 身轻如蝶

Like a butterfly


Dodging does not drain Stamina

11 1 被动 并行处理



Allows you to shoot while sprinting, sliding and vaulting

11 1 被动 团结就是力量

Stronger together


Increases damage you deal while carrying a body

12 1 被动 搬运工



Allows you to shoot and sprint while carrying a body

12 1 被动 核心有氧

Cardio core


Health regenerates 25% faster as you move

12 1 被动 人肉盾牌

Human shield


Increases armor by 20% when grappling an enemy

14 1 被动 马拉松跑者



Sprinting does not drain stamina

14 1 被动 佣兵天赋

Dog of War


Increases Health Regen in combat by 15%

16 2 被动 金刚狼



Health regen activates 50% faster during combat

16 2 被动 钢铁外壳

Steel Shell


Increases Armor by 10%

18 1 被动 巨石

The Rock


Enemies cannot knock you down

20 1 被动 不灭之躯



Reduce all incoming damage by 10%

20 1 被动

